Spring 2020 Outing


The Textile Museum

COST: $40.00
includes Museum Tour and Lunch

11:00 am


Guided tour begins

The Textile Museum

55 Centre Avenue (1 block east of University and south of Dundas)
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 599-5321

Lunch to follow at The Duke of Cornwall Pub

400 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

Your choice of meal includes a main plus tea/coffee and Caramel Tart.


1. Moroccan Stew

2. Fish and chips

3. Burger

4. Turkey Club

Ticket Reservations: Please pay at the February, March, or April meetings or send Cheque to the Women's Canadian Club of Toronto Representative:


Janice Jones.
88 Balsam Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. M4E-3B7. (416) 691-6720. (Please indicate your choice of meal). If unavailable contact Dian Costello 416-449-4596.


To ensure reservations, cheques must be received within two weeks of booking made payable to The Women's Canadian Club of Toronto (no postdated cheques)

NOTE: All taxes and gratuities are included in your payment. No refunds in whole or in part. If you are unable to go on a tour or attend a special event please notify the WCCTO representative as soon as possible. The Women's Canadian Club of Toronto and our tour carriers are not responsible for personal injury on tours.


Winter 2019 Outing