Spring 2020 Luncheon
cordially invite members, their family
and friends to attend the
Spring Luncheon
and Annual General Meeting
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 - 12:30 P.M.
The Faculty Club
41 Willcocks Street, Toronto
Cash Bar - 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Guest Speaker
Brian Goldman
Dr. Brian Goldman is a highly regarded emergency room physician at Mount Sinai Hospital. He is also the host of CBC's radio show "White Coat, Black Art" where he takes listeners behind the scenes of hospitals and doctors' offices. He never shies from edgy topics and is always interested in ways to make our health care system better for its patients. He is the author of several books. Dr. Goldman will educate and entertain us at the WCCTO Spring Luncheon as he shares his insights into this important field.
TICKETS-Members $60.00, Guests $65.00
We would prefer to confirm reservations by e-mail.
Please order your tickets early. When ordering, please
include an email address for one person in the party.